Restore, Reset
and Start Fresh
–to Live Your

after life-changing traumatic
or unwanted events
disrupted everything



YOU SURVIVED the worst.

Now, it’s time to reclaim your…











Rasa means “juice,”
“essence,” “taste,”
“top enjoyment.”

In the timeless language of Ayurveda…

is the liquid matrix supporting your physical well being and longevity, and giving rise to your emotional range–especially your ability to receive and assimilate life’s sweet nourishment.

means rejuvenation, “the path to being juiced back up!”
Essential after trauma, loss or any end of a life chapter, replenishing well is a key precursor to starting fresh and enjoying a fulfilling, juicy new cycle of life.

After your life–your expectations–
have come crashing down,
and you’re not sure who you are now...

➢ Diagnosis of a Loved One

➢ Loss of a Loved One

➢ Career Loss

➢ Betrayal

➢ Painful Divorce

➢ Empty Nest

➢ Loss of Previous Capabilities

➢ Deep Disappointment

➢ Loss of Direction

YOU SURVIVED the unthinkable.
Now, it’s time to
reclaim your…









Rasa means “juice,”
“essence,” “taste,”
“top enjoyment.”

In the timeless language of Ayurveda…



is the liquid matrix that gives rise to your emotional range and supports your physical well being and experience of  sweet nourishment in life.



means rejuvenation, “the path to being juiced back up!”
Essential after trauma, loss or any life-changing transition. Replenishing well is one key to igniting a fresh, fulfilling juicy new cycle of life.


When it comes to finding your balance and direction after major life disruption in today’s world, the old mind-stressing methods don’t work anymore.


I’m Niika Quistgard. Through decades of experience helping women from more than 50 countries revive and move forward into beautiful futures–(and overcoming my own great losses and unthinkable life changes)–I learned the best way to replenish and make a successful fresh start–without bitterness, shame or fear.

I developed The Vital Revival Process to take the pressure OFF your mind and guide you instead to reconnect with your abundant, innate, natural resources for deepened stability, brilliant clarity and vital momentum into a life you love.


“Niika’s ability to blend teachings with an incredible amount of empathy–while grounding the work in a very personal way–has been profoundly inspiring for me.

She quickly sensed where I’ve been and how I see things, without needing to know my whole life story, and helped me digest my whole traumatic experience in a ‘big picture’ way that’s been transforming.

She’s just gifted.”

– Diana C.

“I never expected to have a hard time with my transition into this chapter. Instead of moving forward, I was looking back, re-living all the different traumas I’ve been through. I was so stuck and unhappy.

This process showed me once and for all that my health and happiness can’t be preserved by holding on to who I used to be. I finally discovered the open door to my future, and went through! I’m moving forward in new and rewarding ways now.

Everything in me has profoundly shifted, and I attribute it all to these insights and skills, your guidance. Niika, thank you!

– Joanna L.

Instead of stressing and spinning your wheels, you can:

🌱 Ditch disappointing “quick fix” coping efforts that leave you drained and defeated, instead of peaceful, energized and empowered

🌱 Soften your heart and heal dryness of spirit, so you can be loving and real with yourself and your close ones

🌱 Set your stability on a new foundation–for a deep ease you can always rely on

🌱 Engage what we call your “Human Technology”–your sensory experiences, memories and creativity–to replenish your sense of self and illuminate great choices

🌱 Look to Nature’s ways to pave your path, and pace your progress

🌱 Discover what truly nourishes you now, and will sustain you over the long term


🌿 DESIGN your future to meet your real needs efficiently–
so you can nurture what you care about most.

(No falling back into confusion, despair,
or wasting another day.)

You’re NOT defined by what’s happened.

You CHOOSE who you’ll become.