Wonderful!Your Clarity Call is coming up. It’s not a requirement, but if you’d like to get the most from your call,take a few minutes to answer a few questions, below.Talk soon!Using phone or tablet? Turn to horizontal position to view form. . Step 1 of 2 50% Name First Last Email* Enter the SAME email you scheduled your call with, please.PHONE*Required, so Niika can reach you.Are you going through a difficult time or life transition?*On a scale of 1-5, how much pain, distruption and/or depletion are you experiencing?* 5 - I'm devastated and don't have a clue what to do. 4 - I feel deep confusion, and my confidence is really hurting, 3 - I'm uncomfortable and upset, and wish things were better already. 2 - Not what I was expecting, but I'll find my way eventually 1 - I'm surprised it's this easy! I'm ready for what's next. How do you feel this is affecting your life and future? Do you have the SUPPORT you feel you need at this time? Yes No Unsure What SUPPORT are you relying on?Note friends, family, practitioners, clergy, etc. using initials and give a brief description of the support they are proving to you.Do you have the SKILLS you need now? Yes No Unsure What SKILLS are keeping you calm, clear and strong?Note whatever you rely on, such as: meditation, yoga, therapy, exercise, self-help, time in Nature, etc.What's the best OUTCOME you can imagine, coming out of this challenging time?On a scale of 1-10: How much do you love yourself right now?You deserve your own love and compassion!Anything else you want Niika to know before your call?To respect our time and mutual expectations, please TYPE these words: "I will calendar my call and show up on time, free of distractions."*If you must reschedule, please let us know at the earliest. You may re-book your call one time. HOME DISCLAIMER PRIVACY BLOG