Where in the World…
Fresh ideas and open minds.
Fresh ideas and open minds.
The NATURE of Tucson, Arizona
While climate change is sending temperatures, precipitation and wind to unpredictable extremes all over the world, it’s wise and fulfilling to anticipate, design for and live well with what Nature delivers–
for Her sake, and ours!
WHERE in the World?
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2019 – 2021
For complete, sortable climate information on Tucson, visit: NOAA Online Weather Data Climatological Data for Tucson Area, AZ (ThreadEx)
Culture & Origins
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New Construction
Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.
Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.
Building A Better Future
International Awards
Blog Posts
Make Space for a Great Thanksgiving
I make the decision to consciously invoke the phrase MAKE SPACE as my “go-to” reminder through the day – especially when I am spending all day with my relatives!
Liquid Love: Chai Tea Recipe
Sipping a good cup of tea is a natural meditation, isn’t it? Time-honored in many cultures for calming your nerves and sharpening your mind, taking a few minutes to fully enjoy preparing and drinking a cup of tea allows a subtle satisfaction and relaxation to pervade your whole being. Learning to make your own fresh tea with a radiant palette…
Letting Life Decide
Instead of deciding what it is I “need to fix” about myself or my life–instead of listing all the things I need to straighten out, improve or do away with by making resolutions–I let Life decide.
Turn on the Light • Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice invites you to wake up out of your dream state, into reality!
Let’s Build Something Together!