Goodbye Rasa Ayurveda

After spending much of the last 9 years here in Kerala, South India – a time richly abundant with life, love, learning and service–the moment has come to permanently close Rasa Ayurveda Traditional Healing Centre for Women.
Rasa Ayurveda Traditional Healing Centre for Women was a truly rare place – one-of-a-kind in India and in the world! A place women came from all over the globe to lay down their burdens–and their bodies– to heal naturally with the help of Ayurveda and to reunite with the best of their own true selves.
It has been a great honor to work over the years toward a closely-cherished dream, to see it come to life, and to sustain its operation in the midst of all life had in store and all the complexity of requirements here in South India. And a great privilege to see so much goodness brought to so many.
During our Rasa Ayurveda years, what did we do exactly?
~ We established and operated our clinic to the benefit of hundreds of women seeking relief from symptoms of autoimmune conditions, infertility, restoration after chemotherapy, chronic digestive disease, mental/emotional imbalances, detoxification and rejuvenation, and more.
~ We cared for the health needs of local women.
~ We educated Ayurveda “newbies” and seasoned practitioners from many countries to prepare them to live well, and to share their skills and knowledge with others.
~ Through the Muthashi Project, we reached out to local Malayalee communities to encourage the younger generation not to loose the traditional knowledge and skills of their grandmothers–recognizing and using native medicinal plants, maintaining a healthy, traditional diet and continuing to perform hands-on in-home Ayurveda therapies for prevention and healing in daily family life.
~ We invited orphan girls into our clinic to learn and experience Ayurveda, and to feel known, respected and cherished.
~ We sought always embraced our patients, staff and community as members of our own Rasa Ayurveda family.
After the sudden death of my adopted brother and partner in creating and sustaining Rasa Ayurveda – Sanjeev “Sanju” Kumar S. – I hoped our staff and his widow, Bindu G. Nair, might rise to the incredible task of maintaining all we created in Rasa Ayurveda. I wanted to continue to provide the opportunity for women everywhere to find us, to travel to us and to experience all that was waiting for them here on a quiet street in a traditional neighborhood on the edge of ancient Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
But everyone has their own dreams, and working as hard as is necessary to operate a women’s clinic 24 hours a day, 7 days a week was something only Sanju and I possessed the calling for. It is a serious and multi-faceted responsibility to provide Ayurvedic consultations, treatments, medicines, nutrition, lodging, education, counseling and protection to women who have travelled across the globe, to reside fully in your care. It took the best of both Sanju and I together to provide all the the support and services women received upon arrival at Rasa Ayurveda. (After all, if a woman doesn’t feel safe, comfortable and embraced by people who care and have faith in her and in her treatment, how can she get the most out of her healing journey?)
Now, dear Sanju aniyan has gone on into the infinite. While he is very much with us in Spirit, without his form alive and active in our midst, there is nothing to do but accept that the Divine has new plans for all of us.
My wonder and gratitude for all the incredible blessings fill me up and spill over! I’m grateful, now, even for all the intense challenge. Grateful for all our wonderful and unique patients–so many women, each who brought their own blessing to us. I’m grateful for the chance to learn so much in these years of applying the wisdom and the medicine of Ayurveda to so many, each with different needs. Grateful for the goodness and unique qualities of all our patients, staff and community. And deeply grateful for that mysterious Grace that allowed everything to sprout, bloom and give fruit here in Kerala, India.
Sanju aniyan and I strongly agreed on one thing: The patient is 40% of the cure. In addition to providing treatments and medicines, our aim was always to nurture the best in every patient’s mind and heart – to help her feel her own wholeness again, regardless of her symptoms or health challenges. Seeing the “poorna”–the fullness, completeness and innate perfection– in each person is the • essence • foundation • hub of worthwhile work • and provides the wellspring of energy and creativity I believe brings Ayurveda to life and to greatest healing effect on every level.
In looking back over the years of Rasa Ayurveda, my heart is warmed with the knowledge that these 9 years glow with their own perfection and fullness. Grace knows NO BOUNDS…
~ I bow to the Divine Grace that bestowed all the opportunities to create Rasa Ayurveda, to learn so much and help so many.
~ I bow again, accepting the Divine decree that it’s time close the doors on 9 years of Rasa Ayurveda wonder. With surrender and joy, I’m ready to embrace the blessing of what is next.
I’ve had a favorite saying–a motto, really– which is more true now, than ever:
“The world is my oyster and OM (that primordial peace and resonance deep within and everywhere) is my home.”
From this unshakable foundation, I look forward to sharing my wisdom born of experience, Ayurvedic education, skills training and encouragement to those women and businesses who are dedicated to fostering healthy, fulfilling lives–all in harmony with Nature. Knowing and practically applying the timeless principles of Ayurveda can inspire beautiful and effective designs for healing and living in every culture, place and time.
If you share my deep interest in nourishing a truly functional harmony–both in your inner world and in the world you create and relate to around you–I welcome you to explore my new website–Ayurveda for Women, Ayurveda for Life. Once you’ve landed at, be sure to enter your email to receive special notices, information and great offers to learn, experience and apply Ayurvedic wisdom into your life and work–wherever you are!
With love, care and appreciation,

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