Summer’s Here… Keep Cool!

Summer’s Here… Keep Cool!

Oh, Summer! You’re here!
Summer solstice just happened here in the Northern Hemisphere, so the days are long and the heat is on!
I’ve always loved the freedom of summertime.
Still, summer’s not all softness. It has its harsher qualities. So while we love all love summertime, you’re smart to keep your balance. When excess heat, light and activity pile up upon your senses, you’re more vulnerable to finding yourself ‘hot and bothered,’ both physically and emotionally.
In summertime, violent crime rates rise measurably, with more crimes of passion fueled by over-heated emotions. (For a fascinating overview of this phenomena, read the paper ‘Heat and Violence’ by Craig A. Anderson, Dept. of Psychology, Iowa State University.) And while I’m sure you have no plans to commit a criminal act this summer(!), why not protect yourself from displaying the impatience, intensity and irritability that can rattle you and your relationships when you start feeling “hot under collar?”
Countless people suffer physically, too, with heat-induced conditions, and chronic illnesses exacerbated by high temperatures through the summer. But that doesn’t have to be you!
It’s not that hard to keep your balance in the heat, if you know how to steer into the cool zone. Introducing cooling, calming sensations into your summer days will clear your way to enjoy all summer’s glories – the warmth and freedom you love–with no fear of imbalance.
No need to fight the heat! Just make some simple choices that will help you keep your cool.
Here are a few of my simplest Ayurveda-inspired responses to summer’s qualities to support your balance through the season.
The basic idea?
When it’s getting too hot for you – seek coolness.
Find the shade. Turn on the air conditioning for a while.
Perfume your hair and body with cooling essential oils like jasmine, vetiver and rose. Essences diffuse more quickly in summer’s heat, so enjoy the fragrant abundance, and carry a vial to top up your scent.
Treat your nervous system to cooling aromatherapy in your home, office or healing space to chill your mood and soften your heart.
Surround yourself in cooling colors – blues and greens, silvers and whites.
Leave aside heating yoga, breathing and meditation practices for now.
Play bamboo flute music, not revved up rock ‘n’ roll.
In humidity feeling swampy?
Dry out your life. Yes, run your air-conditioner or dehumidifier to sop up the swamp.
After you wash off any summer sweat, step out of the shower and dry your skin well with a thin, quick-drying towel. Stand in front of a fan.
Wear light, natural fibres that breathe….
Dial down intensity.
Summer’s bright light, heat and steamy qualities can ramp up more emotional intensity and heated emotions. So, happily take your “chill pills” by limiting your exposure to intensity.
While living in hot southern India, I learned to rise early to start my day in the cool, quiet, before the day began. After lunch, I’d nap for 40 minutes to rest out of the heat, then wake into what always felt like a second day.
But if your schedule doesn’t allow you to split your day in two, you can still build some down time into your schedule–especially time in Nature–to decompress, cool out and enjoy the world around you.
Lay down with the Sun.
At least once this summer–and soon–let yourself sleep when the sun does. Set aside evening activities early. Get in bed on your own, or with your lover. Turn off all electronics–and all the lights–before the sun goes down. (If you do this close to Solstice while the days are so long, it’s really not that early!)
Notice yourself relax as you observe the sunlight dimming. Once it’s dark, sleep.
Even if you can’t go camping this summer, you can connect with Nature’s rhythm this way. I promise–you’ll experience a healing luxury you won’t soon forget!
Want some Screen Time?
If you’re going to watch a movie, find a flick that’s insightful, heart-opening or one that helps you relax and feel at ease. Summer’s not the best time to stoke your righteous indignation with an activist doc, or your ambition with a success series, either.
Chill with the Best.
Whenever you can, make plans to hang out with people who are, well… cool! People who make YOU feel cool, calm and collected. (Summer’s no season to spend time with hot heads!)
Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.
And this year–it was a hot one, too!
As luck would have it, Summer Solstice this year was special in more ways than one. I welcomed two talented, energetic young women–Nicole and Jessie–onto our team!
All of us were so excited to meet and get started working together to update our tech systems, create some fresh content and prepare to share my new online course–Know Your Nature. (Stay tuned!)
We spent the whole day connecting, developing ideas. But yes, it was HOT – so in the late afternoon, we polished off a round of aloe vera popsicles and went down the hill to the Delaware River. We walked along a path in the shade and dipped our toes in the river, too. All calm, cooled and collected, we were able to capture some gorgeous, heart-opening footage you’ll soon see, too!
Sure, we got our work done. But we also arranged our day so we could be together immersed in the cooler side of Nature–doing what we love–getting creative in hopes of sharing pearls of life wisdom with more women, like you.
I hope our Solstice story and these Ayurveda-inspired tips help you keep your cool this season–so it’s your best summer yet!
What’s your favorite way to stay chill in the midst of summer’s swelter?
We’d love to share your wisdom.
Enter your cooling tip in the comments below!
with care,

P.S. Are you joining us from the Southern Hemisphere? Happy Winter to you! Why not warm up with a tasty cup of chai tea?
Try making this>>Masala Tea!
Oh, Summer! You’re here!
Summer solstice just happened here in the Northern Hemisphere, so the days are long and the heat is on!
I’ve always loved the freedom of summertime.
Still, summer’s not all softness. It has its harsher qualities. So while we love all love summertime, you’re smart to keep your balance. When excess heat, light and activity pile up upon your senses, you’re more vulnerable to finding yourself ‘hot and bothered,’ both physically and emotionally.
In summertime, violent crime rates rise measurably, with more crimes of passion fueled by over-heated emotions. (For a fascinating overview of this phenomena, read the paper ‘Heat and Violence’ by Craig A. Anderson, Dept. of Psychology, Iowa State University.) And while I’m sure you have no plans to commit a criminal act this summer(!), why not protect yourself from displaying the impatience, intensity and irritability that can rattle you and your relationships when you start feeling “hot under collar?”
Countless people suffer physically, too, with heat-induced conditions, and chronic illnesses exacerbated by high temperatures through the summer. But that doesn’t have to be you!
It’s not that hard to keep your balance in the heat, if you know how to steer into the cool zone. Introducing cooling, calming sensations into your summer days will clear your way to enjoy all summer’s glories – the warmth and freedom you love–with no fear of imbalance.
No need to fight the heat! Just make some simple choices that will help you keep your cool.
Here are a few of my simplest Ayurveda-inspired responses to summer’s qualities to support your balance through the season.
The basic idea?
When it’s getting too hot for you – seek coolness.
Find the shade. Turn on the air conditioning for a while.
Perfume your hair and body with cooling essential oils like jasmine, vetiver and rose. Essences diffuse more quickly in summer’s heat, so enjoy the fragrant abundance, and carry a vial to top up your scent.
Treat your nervous system to cooling aromatherapy in your home, office or healing space to chill your mood and soften your heart.
Surround yourself in cooling colors – blues and greens, silvers and whites.
Leave aside heating yoga, breathing and meditation practices for now.
Play bamboo flute music, not revved up rock ‘n’ roll.
In humidity feeling swampy?
Dry out your life. Yes, run your air-conditioner or dehumidifier to sop up the swamp.
After you wash off any summer sweat, step out of the shower and dry your skin well with a thin, quick-drying towel. Stand in front of a fan.
Wear light, natural fibres that breathe….
Dial down intensity.
Summer’s bright light, heat and steamy qualities can ramp up more emotional intensity and heated emotions. So, happily take your “chill pills” by limiting your exposure to intensity.
While living in hot southern India, I learned to rise early to start my day in the cool, quiet, before the day began. After lunch, I’d nap for 40 minutes to rest out of the heat, then wake into what always felt like a second day.
But if your schedule doesn’t allow you to split your day in two, you can still build some down time into your schedule–especially time in Nature–to decompress, cool out and enjoy the world around you.
Lay down with the Sun.
At least once this summer–and soon–let yourself sleep when the sun does. Set aside evening activities early. Get in bed on your own, or with your lover. Turn off all electronics–and all the lights–before the sun goes down. (If you do this close to Solstice while the days are so long, it’s really not that early!)
Notice yourself relax as you observe the sunlight dimming. Once it’s dark, sleep.
Even if you can’t go camping this summer, you can connect with Nature’s rhythm this way. I promise–you’ll experience a healing luxury you won’t soon forget!
Want some Screen Time?
If you’re going to watch a movie, find a flick that’s insightful, heart-opening or one that helps you relax and feel at ease. Summer’s not the best time to stoke your righteous indignation with an activist doc, or your ambition with a success series, either.
Chill with the Best.
Whenever you can, make plans to hang out with people who are, well… cool! People who make YOU feel cool, calm and collected. (Summer’s no season to spend time with hot heads!)
Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.
And this year–it was a hot one, too!
As luck would have it, Summer Solstice this year was special in more ways than one. I welcomed two talented, energetic young women–Nicole and Jessie–onto our team!
All of us were so excited to meet and get started working together to update our tech systems, create some fresh content and prepare to share my new online course–Know Your Nature. (Stay tuned!)
We spent the whole day connecting, developing ideas. But yes, it was HOT – so in the late afternoon, we polished off a round of aloe vera popsicles and went down the hill to the Delaware River. We walked along a path in the shade and dipped our toes in the river, too. All calm, cooled and collected, we were able to capture some gorgeous, heart-opening footage you’ll soon see, too!
Sure, we got our work done. But we also arranged our day so we could be together immersed in the cooler side of Nature–doing what we love–getting creative in hopes of sharing pearls of life wisdom with more women, like you.
I hope our Solstice story and these Ayurveda-inspired tips help you keep your cool this season–so it’s your best summer yet!
What’s your favorite way to stay chill in the midst of summer’s swelter?
We’d love to share your wisdom.
Enter your cooling tip in the comments below!
with care,

P.S. Are you joining us from the Southern Hemisphere? Happy Winter to you! Why not warm up with a tasty cup of chai tea?
Try making this>>Masala Tea!
P.S. Are you joining us from the Southern Hemisphere? Happy Winter to you! Why not warm up with a tasty cup of chai tea?
Try making this>>Masala Tea!