Go STRONG into the New Year

Go STRONG into the New Year

How can you be STRONG into the New Year? Give yourself permission to find out.
Happy New Year to You!
2016 is laid to rest. January’s underway–but some of you’ve shared that you haven’t quite shaken the effects of last year. Understandable!
If anxiety, uncertainty and a strange anticipation still cling to your heart and mind–or the heels of your “I know who I am and where I’m going” walking boots–don’t feel alone!
Last year’s most popular words shine a spotlight on how a lot of us have been feeling…
How can you be STRONG into the New Year? Give yourself permission to find out.
Happy New Year to You!
2016 is laid to rest. January’s underway–but some of you’ve shared that you haven’t quite shaken the effects of last year. Understandable!
If anxiety, uncertainty and a strange anticipation still cling to your heart and mind–or the heels of your “I know who I am and where I’m going” walking boots–don’t feel alone!
Last year’s most popular words shine a spotlight on how a lot of us have been feeling…
• Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2016 was “surreal.”
• Oxford English Dictionary selected “post-truth,” as last year’s most telling word.
• The word “normal” was tagged as a 2016 standout by Geoff Nunberg, a linguist at UC Berkeley’s School of Information. Usage of “normal” increased in proportion to how unexpected, surprising and ‘NOT normal’ events of 2016 appeared to be. He said,“…when people are talking a lot about normal, it’s a sign we’re living in extraordinary times.”
• The most descriptive “word of 2016” was picked by NPR Books editor, Petra Mayer, who discovered a huge spike in internet searches for the word “unhinged.”
Meaning: coming undone, disconnecting, non-functional, falling apart.
Oh no….!
• And not to forget the now ubiquitous: “fake news.”
• Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2016 was “surreal.”
• Oxford English Dictionary selected “post-truth,” as last year’s most telling word.
• The word “normal” was tagged as a 2016 standout by Geoff Nunberg, a linguist at UC Berkeley’s School of Information. Usage of “normal” increased in proportion to how unexpected, surprising and ‘NOT normal’ events of 2016 appeared to be. He said,“…when people are talking a lot about normal, it’s a sign we’re living in extraordinary times.”
• The most descriptive “word of 2016” was picked by NPR Books editor, Petra Mayer, who discovered a huge spike in internet searches for the word “unhinged.”
Meaning: coming undone, disconnecting, non-functional, falling apart.
Oh no….!
• And not to forget the now ubiquitous: “fake news.”
So, if you’re still feeling uncertain–even though you’ve cracked open a brand new planner and hung a fresh calendar on the wall–don’t feel bad! It really isn’t just you.
Honestly, if you haven’t been feeling a little ‘unhinged’ along with the rest of us, you’re probably not ‘normal!’ 🙂
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of the mass confusion. Enough of going around “unhinged.” It doesn’t have to be this way!
You have amazingly accurate human technology that can give you reliable information. And you get to make choices every day that can either make you stronger, or not. I really want you to be as healthy as possible–and to act from deep clarity and freedom. No worries, my friend! You CAN get grounded and clear, ready to go forward with purpose and strength into 2017.
My own life journey has taught me the deep value of direct, personal experience. It’s the best source of knowledge.
You can never get lost in “fake news,” when you’re focused on what’s actually happening in your own heart, body, mind and life.
There’s no “surreal” when you stay focused on what’s real!
There’s no “post-truth” when you’re investing your attention to what is tangibly true, and validated through your OWN experience. (Yes, you can validate truth yourself–thank goodness! And respond to reality intelligently, too.)
This idea–that reality is always available to you through your mind and senses AND gives you clues about how to respond wisely –inspires everything I do! Really, it’s exactly what I found so fascinating and powerful about Ayurveda-‘the science of [real] life.’
Nature (aka reality!) is always doing Her best to set us straight, nourish us well and guide our choices–if we let Her! She gives us everything we need to live well while we’re here on this beautiful planet together–regardless of the “surreal” things that may indeed go down…
One great piece of wisdom Ayurveda puts forth: your experience of health and life depend in part on what you choose to let in. Whether it’s into your heart, your mind – or your body – you’re making choices every day about what is allowed inside you! When you invite in what you trust, what you know is right for you, what is wholesome and good – you’ll feel clear and strong – the opposite of “unhinged.”
Last year is over–and last year’s sad words have got to go! It’s time to embrace 2017 and set our sights on how we want it to be.
The word here at AyurMama for 2017 is… PERMISSION.
Permission! Who do you give permission to? And for what purpose? To whom and what do you give permission to enter your heart, your body, your mind?
Can you give YOURSELF permission to turn away from what doesn’t serve you – so you can be restored and grow?
Tell me this: Have you chosen a theme word for 2017 that gives YOU permission to protect yourself from confusing, draining and negative influences – and to let in what brings you joy and strength?
SHARE it with me in the comments below!
AyurMama is here to give you permanent permission to know and care for yourself well–in good times and in bad.
So let’s “get real” together as we go forward into 2017–with fearless wonder!
with care,

So, if you’re still feeling uncertain–even though you’ve cracked open a brand new planner and hung a fresh calendar on the wall–don’t feel bad! It really isn’t just you.
Honestly, if you haven’t been feeling a little ‘unhinged’ along with the rest of us, you’re probably not ‘normal!’ 🙂
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of the mass confusion. Enough of going around “unhinged.” It doesn’t have to be this way!
You have amazingly accurate human technology that can give you reliable information. And you get to make choices every day that can either make you stronger, or not. I really want you to be as healthy as possible–and to act from deep clarity and freedom. No worries, my friend! You CAN get grounded and clear, ready to go forward with purpose and strength into 2017.
My own life journey has taught me the deep value of direct, personal experience. It’s the best source of knowledge.
You can never get lost in “fake news,” when you’re focused on what’s actually happening in your own heart, body, mind and life.
There’s no “surreal” when you stay focused on what’s real!
There’s no “post-truth” when you’re investing your attention to what is tangibly true, and validated through your OWN experience. (Yes, you can validate truth yourself–thank goodness! And respond to reality intelligently, too.)
This idea–that reality is always available to you through your mind and senses AND gives you clues about how to respond wisely –inspires everything I do! Really, it’s exactly what I found so fascinating and powerful about Ayurveda-‘the science of [real] life.’
Nature (aka reality!) is always doing Her best to set us straight, nourish us well and guide our choices–if we let Her! She gives us everything we need to live well while we’re here on this beautiful planet together–regardless of the “surreal” things that may indeed go down…
One great piece of wisdom Ayurveda puts forth: your experience of health and life depend in part on what you choose to let in. Whether it’s into your heart, your mind – or your body – you’re making choices every day about what is allowed inside you! When you invite in what you trust, what you know is right for you, what is wholesome and good – you’ll feel clear and strong – the opposite of “unhinged.”
Last year is over–and last year’s sad words have got to go! It’s time to embrace 2017 and set our sights on how we want it to be.
The word here at AyurMama for 2017 is… PERMISSION.
Permission! Who do you give permission to? And for what purpose? To whom and what do you give permission to enter your heart, your body, your mind?
Can you give YOURSELF permission to turn away from what doesn’t serve you – so you can be restored and grow?
Tell me this: Have you chosen a theme word for 2017 that gives YOU permission to protect yourself from confusing, draining and negative influences – and to let in what brings you joy and strength?
SHARE it with me in the comments below!
AyurMama is here to give you permanent permission to know and care for yourself well–in good times and in bad.
So let’s “get real” together as we go forward into 2017–with fearless wonder!
with care,