The Wish

Rasa Ayurveda Traditional Healing Centre for Women began as a wish in my heart.
A wish to offer women the opportunity to experience authentic Ayurveda in a sacred, ashram-like environment, where the guru each woman listened to is her own inner wisdom.
In addition to the amazing physical healing I witnessed over the years at Rasa Ayurveda, I also saw the fulfillment of my true wish and the ultimate promise of Ayurveda – that every woman receive that deeper healing which, regardless of her physical state, invites her to be securely and comfortably seated in her own true self.
Beginning in January 2008, my staff and i welcomed women from more than 50 countries all over the globe to make their way to our small, quiet clinic, lay their burdens down completely and be restored in body, mind and heart through our comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment and our loving, respectful care.
This all began with a prayer I made in January 2006, my feet caressed by warm waves on the shore of the Arabian Sea in Kerala, South India. I stood with 3 other women–friends and colleagues–as we offered our most cherished wishes in little jack fruit leaf boats. We made our offerings to the Mother Goddess sea for her blessing, to moisten the seeds of our desires and ignite their manifestation.
Many incredible and very unlikely events transpired in perfect order to fulfill this wish. So many people participated. And no one contributed more than my dear adopted Malayalee brother, Sanjeev ‘Sanju’ Kumar.
It’s been so long now, since he very suddenly passed away. Somehow, we carried forward to complete what would be our final treatment session, and when I closed the clinic for the hot season, as we would always do – I wondered, “What would come next?”
I kept quiet for some months, licked my wounds–you could say–and watched and waited to see what Phoenix might possibly rise from the sad ashes of Sanju’s death.
My main focus was on Sanju aniyan’s wife and daughters, and their adjustment to a life without husband, father or any man in the family. In South India, a woman without a man––a husband, father or brother––faces indescribable challenges.
As the months wore on, I decided that, instead of re-opening as a full service residential Ayurveda clinic for women, we might reduce the scope of responsibility and complexity that deep clinical work entails, and open instead as a unqiue women’s retreat offering the traditional, grass-roots trainings we had also become well-known for. We could continue to teach and encourage professional and lay women alike to learn Ayurvedic principles, self-care, nutrition, treatments, post-natal protocols and more.
So, I returned to India and spent time with Sanju-aniyan’s family. His girls progressed beautifully in school and in life, recognizing their new responsibility to make their time count. Rasa Ayurveda’s newly-remodeled building on the banks of the Karamana River stood so beautifully radiant, ready to be put to good use. Seeing our own building completed made me feel proud, and also so sad. Sanju aniyan and I worked so hard and sacrificed so much to secure a permanent home for Rasa Ayurveda. Many women around the world had responded to our fund-raising efforts, also, purchasing treatment in advance and making donations to help us secure the building. Even though Sanju aniyan was no longer standing next to me to share in enjoying our final accomplishment together, I felt he must know, somehow, that all was complete.
But after a few months of hosting women and students on a very limited basis, it became clear that re-opening Rasa Ayurveda was not really possible. Bindu aniyetti wanted a regular office job with limited hours, so she could stay close to home in the final years of the girls’ education.
Running Rasa Ayurveda was always a rewarding yet demanding calling! And the truth was: no one could replace Sanju aniyan’s skills and experience, or step into the huge gap left he left behind. The trust, joy and deep connection we shared had allowed us to bring our unique talents together to create and sustain Rasa Ayurveda. There was no one like him to replace him. (How could there be?!) Rasa Ayurveda had to come to an end.
Inquiries kept coming in about Rasa Ayurveda.
“When will we open again?”
And I STILL receive messages and emails, asking about Rasa Ayurveda, to this very day!
I am so deeply grateful to the Great Mystery that allowed Rasa Ayurveda to be a beacon and a healing source for so many. I learned so very much in my years in Kerala, immersed in the art and science of rejuvenation. Helping women from many cultures and countries be restored after great physical and soul disturbance. Made stronger and wiser for all I’ve been blessed to learn, I will continue my mission, in new places and ways.
I know the the path before us will naturally unfurl, as we strive to revive, and rise to our highest potential for health, happiness and longevity, so we can each fulfill our great destiny in Life.

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