Turn on the Light • Winter Solstice

Turn on the Light • Winter Solstice

Happy Winter Solstice to you!
If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, today’s the shortest day of the year. The sun has just touched bottom in the annual cycle of Nature’s seasons.
Now we can expect the return of the LIGHT!
This natural turning point from darkness to light is the perfect time to INVITE the LIGHT to rise in your own awareness, too.
Growing up, my dad liked to get my sister and I up and out of bed early on winter mornings. He didn’t want us to sleep in late and not be ready for the day, or miss our rides to school. In order to be up, showered, dressed and fed in time, we had to get up in the darkness.
And as teenagers–we needed serious help to shake off the sandman and get moving!
I remember those dark wintry mornings well. I’d be fully absorbed in some kind of dream state, warm and cuddled down under the covers–probably drooling, I was so asleep! I was completely unaware of myself and the real world around me.
My father would open my door and let light from the hallway flood my room. Then he’d switch on the lamp next to my bed, and-boom!-I was blasted by a light that penetrated right through the blankets I’d pulled up over my head. Suddenly, my dream world was barely a memory, and I had no place to hide!
Like it or not, I was suddenly into the day! Reality was laid bare all around me. I had to shake off my stupor, get moving and take my place in the real world!
Thanks to Dad switching on the light when I needed it, I rarely missed a winter’s day of school. (I even got straight A’s in French–my first class in the morning–three years in a row!)
There’s a Sanskrit prayer from the ancient Vedas that’s wonderful to consider now. (I’ve been invoking this prayer since I was 17 years old–nearly 40 years!
Happy Winter Solstice to you!
If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, today’s the shortest day of the year. The sun has just touched bottom in the annual cycle of Nature’s seasons.
Now we can expect the return of the LIGHT!
This natural turning point from darkness to light is the perfect time to INVITE the LIGHT to rise in your own awareness, too.
Growing up, my dad liked to get my sister and I up and out of bed early on winter mornings. He didn’t want us to sleep in late and not be ready for the day, or miss our rides to school. In order to be up, showered, dressed and fed in time, we had to get up in the darkness.
And as teenagers–we needed serious help to shake off the sandman and get moving!
I remember those dark wintry mornings well. I’d be fully absorbed in some kind of dream state, warm and cuddled down under the covers–probably drooling, I was so asleep! I was completely unaware of myself and the real world around me.
My father would open my door and let light from the hallway flood my room. Then he’d switch on the lamp next to my bed, and-boom!-I was blasted by a light that penetrated right through the blankets I’d pulled up over my head. Suddenly, my dream world was barely a memory, and I had no place to hide!
Like it or not, I was suddenly into the day! Reality was laid bare all around me. I had to shake off my stupor, get moving and take my place in the real world!
Thanks to Dad switching on the light when I needed it, I rarely missed a winter’s day of school. (I even got straight A’s in French–my first class in the morning–three years in a row!)
There’s a Sanskrit prayer from the ancient Vedas that’s wonderful to consider now. (I’ve been invoking this prayer since I was 17 years old–nearly 40 years!
asato mā sat gamaya
“From confusion and ignorance to clear awareness of truth and reality– LEAD ME.
tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
From darkness, ignorance and torpor to vivifying light– LEAD ME.”
asato mā sat gamaya
“From confusion and ignorance to clear awareness of truth and reality– LEAD ME.
tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
From darkness, ignorance and torpor to vivifying light– LEAD ME.”
The word ‘gamaya’ at the end of each line is a plea, a request:
“Lead me! Guide me to cross over from fear, ignorance, confusion, darkness, lifelessness and limitation to a true and timeless awareness of the revealing and eternal life-giving LIGHT.”
“Help me snap out of it. Help me wake up!”
Even in what we call our waking state, it’s easy to find ourselves lulled into what feels like a cozy–yet unreal–fantasy at times. At any time of year, it’s so easy to “stay asleep,” bat away any disturbing force and cry out “leave me alone!” so we can stay asleep, dreaming, even when some part of you knows things aren’t for real.
Example? When you enter the fantasy zone and overspend, overeat or dream too big about something. It could be a simple as overindulging–say, downing a half-dozen cookies and a pint of ice cream late at night. Because it will be so great! It’s sooo tasty and I’ll be so happy! And for a little while, you’re floating in that dream. (Or is it cream?!) All is oh so pleasant for a while. But eventually, you’ve got to wake up. (Yes, I’ve been there!)
Sometimes, instead of a dream, life feels like a nightmare. Someone disappoints you. Something you thought you could always count on changes all of a sudden. Or you work very hard on something, and the results just aren’t as great as you expected. Your mind is obsessed with trying to work out what happened, replaying events and facts over and over. You can’t stop trying–or crying. (Been there, too!)
I’ve certainly been caught in versions of both these states, and found it hard to “wake up” and bring my awareness to life in the present moment.
All dream states–because they aren’t real–can drain our energy, and keep us from fully engaging in what will really sustain us. Which is life! RIGHT NOW!
Whether we’re caught in a delightful dream or a nasty nightmare, it doesn’t matter. Either way, it’s better to turn on the light!
Winter Solstice is such a beautiful natural cue to welcome the light. This moment presents you with a perfect invitation to notice the lightening of the sky, and to ask–however and to whomever you like to pray–for the light to be “turned on” in you.
Throughout history, countless cultures and spiritual traditions across the world celebrate the light in the darkness at this time of year–by getting together, playing music, giving gifts, lighting lamps and bonfires–turning toward the light!
When sunlight breaks through the mist of our dream state, we’re set free from those illusions. When the light is “turned on,” suddenly you can see clearly.
And when you see clearly, you’ll see that you don’t have to hide out in dreams, or stay lost in a nightmare. You are a child of Nature! And you have access to all Nature’s qualities–everything you need to care for your own health, happiness, creativity, relationships and prosperity–for real!
This is the wisdom of Ayurveda–the wisdom of Life!
I wish you the very best of this season–the season of returning light!
with care,

The word ‘gamaya’ at the end of each line is a plea, a request:
“Lead me! Guide me to cross over from fear, ignorance, confusion, darkness, lifelessness and limitation to a true and timeless awareness of the revealing and eternal life-giving LIGHT.”
“Help me snap out of it. Help me wake up!”
Even in what we call our waking state, it’s easy to find ourselves lulled into what feels like a cozy–yet unreal–fantasy at times. At any time of year, it’s so easy to “stay asleep,” bat away any disturbing force and cry out “leave me alone!” so we can stay asleep, dreaming, even when some part of you knows things aren’t for real.
Example? When you enter the fantasy zone and overspend, overeat or dream too big about something. It could be a simple as overindulging–say, downing a half-dozen cookies and a pint of ice cream late at night. Because it will be so great! It’s sooo tasty and I’ll be so happy! And for a little while, you’re floating in that dream. (Or is it cream?!) All is oh so pleasant for a while. But eventually, you’ve got to wake up. (Yes, I’ve been there!)
Sometimes, instead of a dream, life feels like a nightmare. Someone disappoints you. Something you thought you could always count on changes all of a sudden. Or you work very hard on something, and the results just aren’t as great as you expected. Your mind is obsessed with trying to work out what happened, replaying events and facts over and over. You can’t stop trying–or crying. (Been there, too!)
I’ve certainly been caught in versions of both these states, and found it hard to “wake up” and bring my awareness to life in the present moment.
All dream states–because they aren’t real–can drain our energy, and keep us from fully engaging in what will really sustain us. Which is life! RIGHT NOW!
Whether we’re caught in a delightful dream or a nasty nightmare, it doesn’t matter. Either way, it’s better to turn on the light!
Winter Solstice is such a beautiful natural cue to welcome the light. This moment presents you with a perfect invitation to notice the lightening of the sky, and to ask–however and to whomever you like to pray–for the light to be “turned on” in you.
Throughout history, countless cultures and spiritual traditions across the world celebrate the light in the darkness at this time of year–by getting together, playing music, giving gifts, lighting lamps and bonfires–turning toward the light!
When sunlight breaks through the mist of our dream state, we’re set free from those illusions. When the light is “turned on,” suddenly you can see clearly.
And when you see clearly, you’ll see that you don’t have to hide out in dreams, or stay lost in a nightmare. You are a child of Nature! And you have access to all Nature’s qualities–everything you need to care for your own health, happiness, creativity, relationships and prosperity–for real!
This is the wisdom of Ayurveda–the wisdom of Life!
I wish you the very best of this season–the season of returning light!
with care,